Friday, November 1, 2013

Artificial landforms

An artificial landform is any landform that is man-made. This includes roads,bridges,buildings,dams,ditches, quarries,tunnels,polders,and levees. A polder is a piece of  low land that is surrounded by barriers. A levee, dike, dyke, enbanknmet, floodbank, or stopbank is a wall that regulates water levels. Levees are used mainly to help control flooding.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Lagoons,peninsulas, and volcanoes

A lagoon is a shallow body of water separated from a bigger body of water by barrier islands or reefs. A peninsula is any body of land that is surrounded by water on three sides.  A volcano is a mountain-like structure that has a hole in the top that is filled with hot lava,or melted stone. Volcanoes dig more than 3,000 km deep into the earth. Hot lava can be aywhere from 800 C to 1,100 C.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Beach and seamount

A beach is the place along the shoreline of a body of water. Beaches are made up of sand,mud,rock, shingle,gravel,pebbles,and cobblestones. Beaches typically ocurr by wearing down from the current.A seamount is an underwater mountain that does not reach the water's surface. Seamounts are usually quite deep in the ocean.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Oasis and canyon

An oasis is a place in a desert where there is isolated vegatation. Oases, ( plural of oasis ) are usually located beside rivers or around ponds.Other oases are above underground rivers. Canyons are valleys that are mostly surrounded by cliffs and rock. Canyons usually have rivers running through them.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Waterfalls,caves,and islands

Waterfalls are rivers that lead off of cliffs. Some waterfalls go straight down,while others are broken into parts by rocks that stick out of the cliff. If a waterfall is tall,there will usually be mist at the bottom. A cave is a large opening that leads underground. Caves form naturally from the weathering of rock. Islands,pronounced ilands,are bodies of land that are completley surrounded by water.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Cliffs, lakes,and oceans

Cliffs are the edge of raised land. They are often higher than 50 feet tall. Some cliffs lead into the ocean.Lakes are medim bodies of water. Some lakes are circle or oval shaped,while others are shaped quite odd. Crayfish,minnows,fish,and oyesters live here. There are some saltwater lakes near the ocean. These lakes have crabs and lobsters as well. Lake Eerie,Lake Michagain,Lake Superior,Lake Huron,and Lake Ontario are the five great lakes. Oceans are large saltwater bodies of water. They suround the 7 continents. There are 4 oceans:Pacific,Atlanic,Arctic,and Indian. Fish,coral,lobsters,and crabs live here.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Deserts and Rivers

Deserts are dry places with very little rainfall. Almost every desert is hot and sandy,but there are deserts in Antartica that are cold and snowy.Also,the Saharah desert is very hot,but made of rock. Because of being so hot,very few plants and animals live here. Rivers are long,wide steams of flowing water. Life amount is different depending on the size of the river. Many different kinds of animals live here including crayfish,clams,minnows,and fish.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Plains And Forests

Plains are low flat pieces of land. Most plains have plenty of plant and animal life. Forests have tons of trees and lots of plants. Most animals live here. The cool shade that the trees provide and the food and shelter that plants give makes it a satisfying habitat for most animals.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Mountains and valleys

Mountains are landforms with high elevation. The higher the elevation the less life there is. Mountains are very cold at the peak,and there is very little oxygen,so nothing lives there. The lower you are on the mountain,the more life there will be. Mountain ranges are groups of mountains. A valley is a low piece of land ,like a plain inbetween mountains or high hills.

Monday, October 7, 2013

About me

Hello my name is Jessica. I go to Bermudian Springs Elementary School. I like to be creative. I like to learn and study about land and life,especially when you can get creative. Feel free to post and I hope you enjoy my blog!For more info on landforms, go to